ARCAID Meeting October 25th 2021

October 25th 2021, at the AMC, the ARCAID PIs and fellows met live in Lecture hall 4 at the Amsterdam University Medical centers, location AMC. The agenda can be found here.
All the fellows shortly presented their progress, and in the afternoon we had 3 guest lectures; two on the core facilities at the AMC (imaging and genomics) and one (tentatively) on the Hyperion imaging Cytoff.
Furthermore we shortly discussed the results of the questionnaire that was sent to the fellows in June.
During the first break we also finally gave Andrew his long-earned prize for the best video during the Online meeting in May, where all our fellows prepared a 2-3 minutes video to explain their project. We are using these videos to attract attention to our Network by releasing them via LinkedIn and Twitter, and we make them accessible on the website in line with the LinkedIn release. After the presentation of the video’s in May all those present (fellows AND PIs combined) gave the most votes to the video from Andrew Morrison, who has won a typical Dutch prize in order to blend in in the Dutch culture..;-), which is now finally handed over during the live ARCAID meeting October 25th.